Live an Inspired Life

Overflow with abundance

James Wilder


Photo by Loegunn Lai on Unsplash

What inspires you? Who inspires you?

Can we get in a rut, if we inspire ourselves daily?

What if we filled our lives, moment by moment, with things that inspire us and people who inspire us?

Why wait for inspiration? Why wait for a few good things, when there are thousands of ways to be inspired daily.

Inspire yourself with art, music, and nature. Listen and read the words of wisdom from people that inspire you. Seek out more inspiration, so that you are filled each day, and overflow with wonder, amazement and possibilities.

We have the power to cause great things to happen. What you fill yourself with, is what you overflow with.

When we fill ourselves with inspiration, then we have abundance, we have something to freely give, we can be an inspiration.

I am a dreamer. I have no shame in that. I believe in good. I believe that dreams do come true, if we pick up the tools freely available to us, and build. Join me on the journey!

To your success!

James Wilder



James Wilder

I write about Personal Success in order to help people become lifelong builders of their dreams. Weekly newsletter: